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What we do

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Welcome to our lab! We utilise expert knowledge and real-world data to develop digital twins used for process design, optimisation and control.

What is a digital twin?
We define digital twins as computer modelling platforms based on mathematical equations able to mimic the interactions taking place in a physical/biological system, equipment or supply chain.

Why are digital twins useful?
Digital twins are useful as they enable us to test the system of interest by conducting numerous experiments on the computer. This helps us do things faster and in a more cost-efficient manner. We also use digital twins to identify the conditions (optimal conditions) under which the system is able to demonstrate its best performance (optimal profile). We then use these profiles as targets for the design of smart controllers to ensure that optimal conditions are always maintained.

How do we interact with experimental researchers and industrial partners?
Our lab works very closely with experimental researchers and industrial partners who provide us with expert knowledge and data. Real-world data are fundamental for the validation of digital twins! In return, we develop tools that enable experimental researchers to get continuous snapshots of the process state even when analytical measurements are not available. Our tools can also guide the design of targeted experiments, thus minimising time, cost and labour.

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